Our Services

  • The paperwork for starting a business or non-profit can be a daunting task. Let us help guide you through the startup paperwork.

  • Make yourself stand apart from others in your trade with a catchy logo.

  • Posting catchy and engaging content is key to keeping your clients interested while also bringing in new clients. Let us create a custom marketing plan for you.

  • Part of being successful is getting your name out there. Let us take care of getting your website off the ground and making those changes to ensure your clients have the most up to date information.

  • One of the hardest parts of starting a business is finding a place to house it. Let our Real Estate partners find you the ideal parcel of land or commercial lease space.

  • Our team has 20+ years of corporate experience. Let us guide you in making your corporation stronger than ever.

  • Let us come directly to your facility and provide you with the training you need to keep your staff and customers safe within your facility.

  • As an Training Provider for multiple different entities, your trained staff can work under us to coordinate all of your training without worrying about the hassle of managing a Training Site or Training Center.

  • Our team will work with you to create an invoicing system and maintain that system so all you have to do is look for the deposit in your bank account.

  • Whether it be your commercial space for your business, your short term rental, or your long term tenant, let us takecare of your property.

  • If you need something that isn’t listed, reach out to us! Our goal is to be your one stop shop for all your business administration needs!

Align with us

Are you an American Heart Association, Health and Safety Institute or American Red Cross Instructor? Align with us and teach classes on your own or at your workplace. Need help teaching a course or need additional equipment, reach out! We pride ourselves on having a good rapport with all of our instructors!

Please note: HSI Instructor affiliation will be billed prior to affiliation.